
Saturday 22 December 2012

F.A.M.I.L.Y. ?

Do I Really Have a FAMILY ??

         Family means a lot for everyone..Family is the most important thing in developing the early life in child as they will grown up and their mentality in unstable state of mind.. Why I spoke of it because I don't even know what has happened with my family..Parents will always said that don't make your parents divorce as an excuse for you to be a wild child..You create your own path of life..but they don't even remember that WE was created for them as their RESPONSIBILITIES and THEY are the one whom has to lead us to the right path..Maybe there are still a lot of other kids who had SOOOOO much family problem than mine but I really can't take it ! I didn't know to whom I shall speak about and all I can do is just keep myself shut ! Thats all what I've been doing since I was 13..I have no bad intention towards my parents by writing this post but I have to let it out ! Sometimes I felt like I just want to ran away but when I get to my sense it was not worth to do..I hate being a BALL between my mom and dad.. Theres no doubt that I don't love them sooo much that I'm willling to die for them if have to.. I love BOTH of them more than anything & everything in this world..Just don't torture me like this !

         I'm pity with my other siblings..It's not they don't love you mom..they just a kid that doesn't know how to express their feelings when they are pushed to that pressure ! That explain the act that they've been doing all the time..but you just mix it with your anger and barely able to see the true meaning of it..You oftenly had a fight or problems with your new husband and let it out on us..then you ALWAYS use your motherhood power against us..YOU..YOU are the one who want it this way...We're just blaming you on this..You always said that we never thought about your feelings..have you thought about OURS???? We can only shut our mouth..We are hopeless in fighting you back ! You're our MOM !! How could we??????? It's not like we didn't care about all the times that you have been taking care of us when our DAD screwed up...kata-kata seorang ibu itu amat kuat..mana taknye kalau dah setiap butir yg kluar dari mulut mak tu semuanya negatif..maka doa untuk anak2 pon negatif ...Astaghfirrullahhalazim....mana mampu kami menentang mak..namun hati yang meronta2 ni Allah S.W.T shj yg tahu...kami tak minta ditolak macam bola..minta faham lah keadaan..Itu pon lagi sibuk nak anak baru..kononnye..Mak rasa kitorg sisihkan mak..hakikatnya Mak yg mensisihkan kitorg..sampai sanggup cakap dah tak tahan dgn kitorg..mana pegi 'tak boleh hidup tanpa anak2' mak?? Macam ni ke?? Kadang2 rasa berdosa je bila fikir nak tinggal kan mak sorg2..Kitorang rasa macam mak dah tak nak kitorg ni lagii sebab dah ada hidup baru..Sedih sangat bila fikirkan..Memang tersangat sedih hati ni.. Sampai dah tahap macam tuu skali kitorg berfikir...Allahhuakbar.. ! Abah pon..tolong lah berubah..bende bukan sebelah pihak je yg kene tanggung..dua belah pihak pon penting...tolng lah ubah sikap tuu..kami dah tak larat nak hadap dilema nii.. dah tak sanggup..kesian dkat adik2 yg kecik2 lagi tuu..Ya Allah..begitu sukar ujian yang kau bagi !!! Aku hanya mampu redha Ya Allah...

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Awal Muharam,Detik Permulaan..

Malam Awal Muharam...1434 Hijrah..

   Pada malam yg penuh keberkatan ini family aku dilanda badai..Tatkala umat Islam membuka lembaran baru dalam kehidupan mereka,adik lelaki aku, Khairul Amri,12, bertindak diluar jangkaan apabila melarikan diri dari rumah...hmmm..pelik kan bile dengar budak lelaki 12 thun lari rumah??? Yup !! Adik aku buat ... hanya kerana dilarang bermain bola oleh mak,dia memberontak sedemikian rupa.. Entri ini bukan untuk mengaibkan sesiapa cuma luahan rasa dan juga peneman bagi hati yang sedang berkecamuk ini..Sebagi seorg kakak ,aku rasa begitu Bodoh dan Gagal dalam melaksanakan tanggungjawab aku..namun,Si adik tidak berfikir tentang resah kakak serta mak nya..Hati naluri diikut kan..Tidak pasti apa yg hati mahukan..diturutkan juga..Entah ape nak jadi dengan anak2 muda kini..Mungkin ini dikatakan dengan 'Umat Akhir Zaman'?? Sungguh hiba hati mak apabila satu2 satunya anak lelaki yg mnjadi tmpat bergantung kelak bertindak sedemikian...Tidak tahu di mana silapnya..Hanya, pada ketika ini tidak dapat dituding jari ini kepada sesiapa... Aku tidak mahu family aku mnjdi porak-peranda hanya kerana parents separated..No..! 
   Apa nak jadi lah dgan adik aku sorg ni..Tak tahu ape sebab tup2 'meletus' macam ni..Diri sendiri tak pernah nak berkongsi apa2 dgn mak, akak, kak ngah dan adik..Selalu dipendam sendiri je..Hati tu terlalu lembut..lebih lembut daripada hati seorang perempuan..Kau memang berjaya memningkan kepala semua org malam ni Amri !! Syabas!! Tak fikir hari Isnin kau nak amik keputusan periksa..Heisshhh Abang...bila lah kau nak bersikap matang???Bukan nak pressure @ membebankan kau..tapi tolong sesangat ubah perangai kau tuu !!! Stop buat orang Benci&Menyampah dengan kauu !! Sama2 kita ubah sikap (-ve) masing2..hanya itu yg mampu diucapkan sekarang...Subhannallah..
    Tidak lupa juga kepada seluruh umat Islam di GAZA sekarang..Tabah serta Doa yang mampu diiring..Semoga selamat serta berani menghadapi MUSUH ..Sesungguhnya, Allah itu Maha Besar & DIA melihat segala-galanya..Amin....... Allahuakbar !!!

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Angah My Dearest Baby ;(

Angah..Don't wait for me ...

      I saw a movie about a loyal dog waiting for his master to comeback at the railway station although the master had died....Hachiko is the name of the dog..He wait and wait for 9 years but never grew tired for waiting ! It's just sad to watch that movie..Hachiko makes me proud and remembered about my cats,Angah...I left Angah and his 1 whole family at my late Uncle house back at Selangor...We couldn't give them the best nursing other than so much love...It broke my hearts to let him go..I remembered when we want to go back,his eyes tears up..I just force myself and didn't turn back around to him.....I remembered how I've been cried a lot that week...He's just a wonderful cat ever !!! Ifelt like i betrayed him by turning back on him...I'm helpless that time...My health condition didn't allowed me to keep them all forever..Now the house is empty without all of them..It doesn't seems so bright anymore..They left with their memries are kept very well in here...I wish them save & sound & being loved because they were adorable too be taken care of no matter where they are now..Sometimes I wish they all had gone to HIM..I'ts much safer and relieved...Ya ALLAH, I know I may not deserved to ask this but please safe my baby whereever they are because only YOU know how much I Love them...Thank You.. 

Akak loves you Angah..You'll never be forgotten..

Friday 2 November 2012

She's gonna leave us~

Last moment with Farah..uwaaaaaaa ;(

College Life :)

KPTM KL?????

Hmmm..I started my Diploma at Kolej Poly-tech Mara KL... For the upcoming three years,I will studying in TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language). Why I choose this programme is that I love English..(totally LIES) It's just that I don't know what else to choose then my only last hope is this programme. Well, it's not that bad actually.. It is fun ~~ Even the whole college called us "DIVA" student and doesn't want to be friend with TESL students..WOW ~~ How powerful we are >> *snobsnob* Today one of my closest friend in here are going to transfer to UIA.. I'm happy for her but in the same time I'm sad to let her go because we have spend time and cherish all the 'sakai' , funny and worthless moment together with the whole section 15 ! We all are like families.. Lynn, Athirah, Suzy, Intan, Hana, Azri, Wan, Ash, Nab, Nieyna (she has 'berhenti' from college) and Farah...We all 'clown' ! XD Anyway we will miss you Farah...Good Luck in UIA !!!

New Life

New Life :)

Okay..soo long I didn't update my blog..hmm..There's so many things happened to me past few months.. I went to National Service at Sarawak..but only last for 1 month..then i came back home because of asthma..hmm..I hate it at first but then I missed all of my friends and our memories there..It will never be forgetten..

PLKN Siri9 Kumpulan 2/2012- Kem Putra Sentosa Sematan Sarawak ~

Wednesday 21 March 2012

SPM TIME !!!!! YEAR ?? 2011 :)

14th of November 2011 , a battle begins at SMK SERI TASIK for brighter future.I was there too..struggling for my own victory to survive in this world..Can't say much but I can tell you it's freakin' nervous in the hall..Anyone whom have been there know what i'm saying..Seriously..The point is,for the start of my blog,I want to share with you guys that on this day [21MARCH2012] the results have finally come scared I was it was passed already..I can take the results as they are..Not so excellent but I'm happy with it then it's okayy with my mom..Things that makes me sad on this day was have to apart from my friends,teachers,and school..There's a lot of memories that I can never forget my entire life ! (still smile looking at my result) I will love them all forever !

Best of luck guys with your life..I wish we can hang out like always and never lost contact..Pleasee stay in touch okayy ! I really-2 love you guys,always!  