
Tuesday 13 November 2012

Angah My Dearest Baby ;(

Angah..Don't wait for me ...

      I saw a movie about a loyal dog waiting for his master to comeback at the railway station although the master had died....Hachiko is the name of the dog..He wait and wait for 9 years but never grew tired for waiting ! It's just sad to watch that movie..Hachiko makes me proud and remembered about my cats,Angah...I left Angah and his 1 whole family at my late Uncle house back at Selangor...We couldn't give them the best nursing other than so much love...It broke my hearts to let him go..I remembered when we want to go back,his eyes tears up..I just force myself and didn't turn back around to him.....I remembered how I've been cried a lot that week...He's just a wonderful cat ever !!! Ifelt like i betrayed him by turning back on him...I'm helpless that time...My health condition didn't allowed me to keep them all forever..Now the house is empty without all of them..It doesn't seems so bright anymore..They left with their memries are kept very well in here...I wish them save & sound & being loved because they were adorable too be taken care of no matter where they are now..Sometimes I wish they all had gone to HIM..I'ts much safer and relieved...Ya ALLAH, I know I may not deserved to ask this but please safe my baby whereever they are because only YOU know how much I Love them...Thank You.. 

Akak loves you Angah..You'll never be forgotten..

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